Exploring The World Of Js Transition Events

Exploring The World Of Js Transition Events


JavaScript has become an essential part of web development, and it is used to create dynamic and interactive websites. One of the most useful features of JavaScript is its ability to handle events. In this article, we will explore one of the most important event types in JavaScript, the transition events.

What are JS Transition Events?

JS transition events are events that are triggered when an element transitions from one state to another. These events occur when a CSS property changes from one value to another, such as when an element moves, fades, or changes color. Transition events are useful for creating animations and other dynamic effects on a web page.

Transition Event Types

There are four types of transition events in JavaScript: transitionstart, transitionend, transitionrun, and transitioncancel. Each event type is triggered at a different point in the transition process.

  • transitionstart: This event is triggered when the transition starts.
  • transitionend: This event is triggered when the transition ends.
  • transitionrun: This event is triggered when the transition is running.
  • transitioncancel: This event is triggered when the transition is cancelled.

How to Use JS Transition Events

To use transition events in JavaScript, you need to add event listeners to the element you want to animate. For example, if you want to create an animation that fades an element in and out, you would add event listeners for the transitionstart and transitionend events. Here is an example:

const element = document.querySelector('.fade-element'); element.addEventListener('transitionstart', () => { console.log('Transition started'); }); element.addEventListener('transitionend', () => { console.log('Transition ended'); });

Personal Experience with JS Transition Events

I recently worked on a project where I had to create an animation that moved an element from one side of the screen to the other. I used JS transition events to create a smooth and seamless animation. By adding event listeners for the transitionstart and transitionend events, I was able to control the animation’s timing and make it look more polished.

Events Table for JS Transition Events

Event Description
transitionstart Triggered when the transition starts.
transitionend Triggered when the transition ends.
transitionrun Triggered when the transition is running.
transitioncancel Triggered when the transition is cancelled.


Q: What CSS properties can I use with JS transition events?

A: You can use any CSS property that has a numeric value, such as width, height, opacity, and margin.

Q: Can I use JS transition events with SVG elements?

A: Yes, you can use JS transition events with SVG elements as long as they have CSS properties that can be animated.

Q: Can I create multiple transitions on the same element?

A: Yes, you can create multiple transitions on the same element by adding different CSS properties and durations.

Q: How can I make my transitions smoother?

A: You can make your transitions smoother by using easing functions, adding delays, and using the transform property instead of changing the position.


JS transition events are a powerful tool for creating dynamic and interactive websites. By understanding how they work and how to use them, you can create smooth and polished animations that will impress your users. So, start experimenting with JS transition events and take your web development skills to the next level!

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