Is Moving A Qualifying Life Event

Is Moving A Qualifying Life Event

Are you planning to move to a new city or state? Moving can be a stressful experience, but did you know that it can also be a qualifying life event? In this article, we will explore what a qualifying life event is and how moving can qualify as one.

What is a Qualifying Life Event?

A qualifying life event is a major life change that allows you to enroll in or change your health insurance coverage outside of the open enrollment period. This means that if you experience a qualifying life event, you can enroll in health insurance or change your current health insurance plan.

Examples of qualifying life events include getting married, having a baby, losing your job, and moving. In this article, we will focus on how moving can qualify as a qualifying life event.

How Does Moving Qualify as a Qualifying Life Event?

When you move to a new city or state, you may not have access to the same health insurance options as before. Moving to a new area can also mean that your current health insurance plan may not cover certain medical providers or services in your new location.

Because of these changes, moving can qualify as a qualifying life event. This means that you have a special enrollment period to enroll in or change your health insurance coverage outside of the open enrollment period.

Personal Experience

When I moved from California to Texas, I was worried about losing my health insurance coverage. I had a pre-existing condition and was concerned about finding a new health insurance plan that would cover my medical needs.

Thankfully, I was able to qualify for a special enrollment period due to my move. This allowed me to enroll in a new health insurance plan that covered all of my medical needs. Without the special enrollment period, I may have had to go without health insurance coverage for several months.

Events and Celebrations for Moving as a Qualifying Life Event

Many health insurance providers offer events and celebrations for individuals who experience a qualifying life event, such as moving. These events can include information sessions about health insurance options, enrollment assistance, and even giveaways.

Some providers may also offer discounts or special rates for individuals who enroll during a special enrollment period due to a qualifying life event.

Events Table for Moving as a Qualifying Life Event

Event Description
Information Session An event where health insurance providers share information about coverage options and enrollment assistance.
Enrollment Assistance A service where health insurance providers offer assistance with enrolling in a new plan.
Giveaways Health insurance providers may offer giveaways, such as gift cards or free health screenings, to individuals who enroll during a special enrollment period.

Question and Answer Section

Q: When does the special enrollment period begin and end?

A: The start and end dates of the special enrollment period can vary depending on the type of qualifying life event. For moving, the special enrollment period typically lasts up to 60 days before and after the move.

Q: Do I have to provide proof of my move to qualify for the special enrollment period?

A: Yes, you will need to provide proof of your move, such as a lease agreement or utility bill, to qualify for the special enrollment period.

Q: Can I change my current health insurance plan during the special enrollment period?

A: Yes, you can change your current health insurance plan or enroll in a new plan during the special enrollment period.


Q: Can I enroll in any health insurance plan during the special enrollment period?

A: No, you will need to enroll in a plan that is offered through the health insurance marketplace in your new location.

Q: What happens if I do not enroll in health insurance during the special enrollment period?

A: If you do not enroll in health insurance during the special enrollment period, you may have to wait until the next open enrollment period to enroll in coverage.

Q: Can I enroll in health insurance if I am moving to a new country?

A: No, a move to a new country does not qualify as a qualifying life event for health insurance coverage in the United States.

In conclusion, moving can be a qualifying life event that allows you to enroll in or change your health insurance coverage outside of the open enrollment period. Be sure to provide proof of your move and enroll in a plan that is offered through the health insurance marketplace in your new location. Take advantage of events and celebrations offered by health insurance providers during the special enrollment period, and don’t hesitate to ask questions or seek assistance when enrolling in a new plan.

What is a Qualifying Life Event? Go Health Insurance Blog
What is a Qualifying Life Event? Go Health Insurance Blog from