How To Network At Events: Tips, Tricks, And Personal Experiences

How To Network At Events: Tips, Tricks, And Personal Experiences


Networking at events can be intimidating, especially if you’re not naturally outgoing. However, it’s an essential skill for anyone who wants to advance their career or build their business. In this article, we’ll share some tips and tricks on how to network at events, based on personal experiences and research.

Why Networking Is Important

Networking is crucial for building relationships, creating opportunities, and expanding your professional circle. When you attend events, you have the chance to meet people from different backgrounds, industries, and levels of experience. By connecting with them, you can learn from their experiences, share your own knowledge, and potentially collaborate on projects or ideas.

Preparing For Events

Before attending an event, it’s essential to do some research and preparation. Find out what the event is about, who will be attending, and what topics or themes will be discussed. This will help you tailor your conversation and make connections with the right people.

Tip: Write Down Your Goals

Before attending an event, write down your networking goals. What do you want to achieve? Do you want to meet potential clients, partners, or mentors? Having a clear objective in mind will help you stay focused and motivated.

Approaching People

Approaching people at events can be nerve-wracking, but it doesn’t have to be. Remember that everyone is there to network and make connections, so don’t be afraid to introduce yourself and strike up a conversation.

Tip: Start With A Compliment

Starting a conversation with a compliment can be a great icebreaker. For example, if you notice someone wearing a unique piece of jewelry, you could say, “I love your necklace. Where did you get it?”

Engaging In Conversations

Once you’ve started a conversation, it’s essential to keep it going. Ask open-ended questions, listen actively, and share your own experiences and insights.

Tip: Be Genuine

Networking is all about building genuine relationships, so be yourself and show interest in the other person. Avoid using cliches or being too salesy, as this can come across as insincere.

Following Up After Events

After the event is over, it’s crucial to follow up with the people you’ve met. Send a personalized email or message, thanking them for their time and suggesting a follow-up call or meeting.

Tip: Be Timely

Don’t wait too long to follow up after an event. Ideally, you should reach out within 24-48 hours while the conversation is still fresh in their mind.

Events And Competitions To Network At

There are many different types of events and competitions that can provide networking opportunities. Here are a few examples:

  • Industry conferences and trade shows
  • Startup pitch competitions
  • Networking events and mixers
  • Charity fundraisers and galas

The Celebration of Networking

Networking can be challenging, but it’s also a cause for celebration. By connecting with others, you’re opening up new possibilities and opportunities. So, take pride in your networking skills and celebrate your successes along the way.

Question and Answer

Q: What should I do if I’m nervous about attending an event?

A: It’s normal to feel nervous before attending an event, especially if you’re not used to networking. To ease your nerves, try practicing your introduction and conversation starters beforehand. You could also bring a friend or colleague to attend the event with you for moral support.

Q: How can I make sure I’m connecting with the right people?

A: Research the event beforehand and make a list of people you’d like to meet. During the event, try to strike up conversations with those individuals and ask open-ended questions to learn more about their background and interests.


Q: What should I wear to a networking event?

A: Dress professionally and appropriately for the event. If you’re not sure what to wear, it’s always better to err on the side of caution and dress up rather than down.

Q: How many business cards should I bring to an event?

A: Bring enough business cards to hand out to everyone you meet, plus a few extra just in case. Make sure your business cards are up-to-date and reflect your current role and contact information.

Q: How often should I attend networking events?

A: It depends on your schedule and goals. Try to attend networking events regularly, whether that’s once a month or once a quarter. Consistency is key when it comes to building relationships and expanding your network.

What To Do Before And After A Networking Event
What To Do Before And After A Networking Event from