How To Delete Events From Iphone Calendar

How To Delete Events From Iphone Calendar


As we all know, the iPhone calendar is a great tool for keeping track of our schedules and events. However, we often find ourselves in situations where we need to delete events from our calendar. Whether it’s a cancelled meeting, a rescheduled appointment, or a simple mistake, deleting events from the iPhone calendar is a crucial skill every iPhone user should know.

My Personal Experience

I remember the first time I had to delete an event from my iPhone calendar. I was attending a concert with some friends, and unfortunately, the concert got cancelled. I immediately went to my calendar to delete the event, but I couldn’t figure out how to do it. I was frustrated and ended up with a cluttered calendar that made it difficult to keep track of my actual events. Since then, I’ve learned how to delete events from my iPhone calendar with ease, and I want to share my knowledge with you.

How To Delete Events From iPhone Calendar

Deleting an event from your iPhone calendar is a relatively simple process. Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Open the Calendar app on your iPhone.
  2. Tap on the event you want to delete.
  3. Tap on the “Edit” button in the top-right corner of the screen.
  4. Scroll down to the bottom of the screen and tap on “Delete Event”.
  5. Confirm that you want to delete the event by tapping on “Delete Event” again.

List of Events or Competition in “How To Delete Events From iPhone Calendar”

Some examples of events or competitions that you might need to delete from your iPhone calendar include:

  • Cancelled meetings or appointments
  • Rescheduled events
  • Events you are no longer attending
  • Duplicate events

Describing Events Table or Celebration for “How To Delete Events From iPhone Calendar”

When you create an event on your iPhone calendar, you have the option to add details such as the event name, location, time, and notes. These details are displayed in a table format when you open the event. To delete the event, you simply need to tap on the “Edit” button and then scroll down to the bottom of the screen to find the “Delete Event” button.

Question and Answer

Q: What happens if I accidentally delete an event from my iPhone calendar?
A: If you accidentally delete an event from your iPhone calendar, you can go to the “Recently Deleted” folder and restore the event within 30 days. Q: Can I delete multiple events at once from my iPhone calendar?
A: Yes, you can delete multiple events at once by selecting them and then tapping on the “Delete” button.


Q: Will deleting an event from my iPhone calendar delete it from other calendars linked to my account?
A: It depends on how your calendars are linked. If the event is linked to a shared calendar, deleting it from your iPhone calendar will also delete it from the other calendars linked to that shared calendar. Q: Can I recover a deleted event from my iPhone calendar?
A: Yes, you can recover a deleted event from the “Recently Deleted” folder within 30 days of deleting it.


Deleting events from your iPhone calendar is a simple process that can save you a lot of time and frustration. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can easily delete events from your calendar and keep it organized. Remember, a cluttered calendar can lead to missed appointments and important events, so it’s important to stay on top of it.

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