How To Create An Event Planning Portfolio

How To Create An Event Planning Portfolio


As an event planner, having a portfolio is essential to showcase your skills, experience, and creativity. A portfolio is a collection of your best work and can be used to attract potential clients, secure contracts, and grow your business. In this article, we will discuss how to create an event planning portfolio that will impress your clients and help you stand out from the competition.

Personal Experience

When I first started my event planning business, I struggled to find clients. I realized that having a portfolio was crucial to showcase my skills and experience. I spent countless hours researching and creating a portfolio that would showcase my best work. After I created my portfolio, I saw an increase in clients and contracts. Today, my portfolio is my biggest asset and has helped me grow my business.

Events to Include in Your Portfolio

When creating your event planning portfolio, it’s important to include a variety of events that showcase your skills and experience. Here are some events that you should consider including in your portfolio:

  • Weddings
  • Corporate events
  • Birthday parties
  • Charity events
  • Festivals
  • Conferences

Creating an Events Table or Celebration

When showcasing your events in your portfolio, it’s important to organize them in a clear and concise way. One way to do this is by creating an events table or celebration that includes the following information:

Event Client Date Location Description
Wedding John and Jane June 1, 2022 Central Park A beautiful outdoor wedding with a rustic theme.
Corporate Event XYZ Corporation September 15, 2022 Jacob Javits Center A multi-day conference with keynote speakers and breakout sessions.

Question and Answer

Why is having an event planning portfolio important?

Having an event planning portfolio is important because it showcases your skills, experience, and creativity. It helps potential clients understand your style and capabilities, and can help you secure contracts and grow your business.

What should I include in my event planning portfolio?

You should include a variety of events that showcase your skills and experience, as well as any relevant certifications or awards. It’s important to organize your portfolio in a clear and concise way, and to make it visually appealing.


Do I need a professional photographer for my events?

While professional photography can enhance your portfolio, it’s not necessary. You can use high-quality photos taken with your smartphone or camera to showcase your work.

How many events should I include in my portfolio?

It’s recommended to include at least 5-10 events in your portfolio, but the number can vary depending on your experience and the types of events you have planned.

Should I include client testimonials in my portfolio?

Yes, including client testimonials in your portfolio can help potential clients understand the quality of your work and the level of satisfaction from your previous clients.

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