Everything You Need To Know About Event Id 4634

Everything You Need To Know About Event Id 4634


As we enter the year 2023, the world is becoming more and more digitized. With this comes the need for robust security measures to protect sensitive data. One such measure is Event ID 4634, a security event that is designed to monitor user logon activity. In this article, we will explore what Event ID 4634 is, its importance, and how it works.

What is Event ID 4634?

Event ID 4634 is a security event that is generated when a user logs off from a Windows computer. The event is recorded in the Windows security event log and contains information about the user who logged off, the time of the logoff, and the reason for the logoff.

Why is Event ID 4634 important?

Event ID 4634 is important because it allows system administrators to monitor user activity on their Windows computers. By monitoring logon and logoff activity, administrators can detect potential security threats, such as unauthorized access attempts or suspicious behavior.

How does Event ID 4634 work?

When a user logs off from a Windows computer, Windows generates an Event ID 4634 security event. The event contains information about the user who logged off, the time of the logoff, and the reason for the logoff. This information is recorded in the Windows security event log, where it can be viewed by system administrators.

List of Events or Competition in Event ID 4634

Event ID 4634 is not a competition or celebration, but rather a security event that is designed to monitor user logoff activity on Windows computers.

Describe in Detail Events Table or Celebration for Event ID 4634

As previously stated, Event ID 4634 is not an event or celebration, but rather a security event that is generated when a user logs off from a Windows computer. Therefore, there is no events table or celebration associated with Event ID 4634.

Question and Answer Section

What is the purpose of Event ID 4634?

The purpose of Event ID 4634 is to monitor user logoff activity on Windows computers. By monitoring logoff activity, system administrators can detect potential security threats and take appropriate action.

What information does Event ID 4634 contain?

Event ID 4634 contains information about the user who logged off, the time of the logoff, and the reason for the logoff.

How can system administrators view Event ID 4634 events?

Event ID 4634 events are recorded in the Windows security event log. System administrators can view these events using the Windows Event Viewer.

What should system administrators do if they detect suspicious logoff activity?

If system administrators detect suspicious logoff activity, they should investigate further to determine the cause of the activity. Depending on the severity of the activity, they may need to take immediate action to mitigate any potential security threats.


Can Event ID 4634 be disabled?

No, Event ID 4634 is a built-in security event in Windows and cannot be disabled.

Can Event ID 4634 be used to monitor remote logoff activity?

Yes, Event ID 4634 can be used to monitor remote logoff activity on Windows computers.

What other security events should system administrators monitor?

In addition to Event ID 4634, system administrators should also monitor other security events, such as logon events, failed logon events, and account lockout events. By monitoring these events, administrators can detect potential security threats and take appropriate action.

4634 (S) 帳戶已登出。 (Windows 10) Windows security Microsoft Learn
4634 (S) 帳戶已登出。 (Windows 10) Windows security Microsoft Learn from learn.microsoft.com