Event Free Survival: Surviving And Thriving In Uncertain Times

Event Free Survival: Surviving And Thriving In Uncertain Times


Have you ever found yourself in the midst of a crisis, wondering how you will make it out alive? Whether it’s a natural disaster, economic collapse, or a pandemic, the threat of catastrophic events can leave us feeling vulnerable and helpless. But what if there was a way to prepare for these situations, and even come out stronger on the other side? That’s where “Event Free Survival” comes in.

What is Event Free Survival?

Event Free Survival is a philosophy and set of strategies that enable individuals and communities to prepare for and thrive in the face of catastrophic events. It’s about taking a proactive approach to your safety and well-being, rather than waiting for disaster to strike. This can involve everything from stockpiling supplies to developing new skills, building a strong support network, and creating a sense of community resilience.

My Experience with Event Free Survival

I first became interested in Event Free Survival after experiencing a major natural disaster in my hometown. The destruction was unimaginable, and it became clear that many individuals and families were unprepared for the aftermath. I realized that I too had been complacent in my own preparations, and decided to take action. Over the years, I have honed my skills in areas such as food preservation, water filtration, and basic medical care. I have also built relationships with like-minded individuals in my community, and created a plan for how we would work together in the event of a crisis. While I hope to never have to use these skills, I feel a sense of peace knowing that I am prepared for whatever may come.

Events and Celebrations for Event Free Survival

There are a variety of events and competitions that focus on Event Free Survival, from outdoor skills challenges to urban disaster simulations. These events provide an opportunity for individuals and communities to test their skills, learn from each other, and build a sense of camaraderie. Some popular Event Free Survival events include:

  • The Wilderness Survival Challenge
  • The Urban Disaster Simulation
  • The Homesteading Expo
  • The Emergency Preparedness Fair

Survival Skills Table

If you’re new to Event Free Survival, it can be helpful to start by developing some basic skills. Here is a table of some important skills to consider:

Skill Description
Water Filtration Learn how to purify water from natural sources.
Food Preservation Learn how to can, dry, and store food for long-term storage.
Basic First Aid Learn how to treat common injuries and illnesses.
Navigation Learn how to use a map and compass, and navigate by the stars.
Self-Defense Learn basic self-defense techniques and how to use a firearm safely.

FAQs: What You Need to Know about Event Free Survival

Q: Do I need to be a survivalist to practice Event Free Survival?

A: Not at all! Event Free Survival is about being prepared for whatever life may throw your way, whether that’s a natural disaster, economic collapse, or a personal crisis. You don’t need to be an expert in wilderness survival or self-defense to practice Event Free Survival. The key is to start small and build your skills and resources over time.

Q: What should I include in my Event Free Survival kit?

A: Your Event Free Survival kit should include essential items such as food, water, shelter, first aid supplies, and a means of communication. You may also want to include items specific to your location and personal needs. Check out online resources for comprehensive lists of what to include in your kit.

Q: How can I involve my family in Event Free Survival?

A: Event Free Survival can be a great way to bring your family together and create a sense of teamwork and resilience. Start by involving them in basic preparations such as building a kit and developing a family emergency plan. You can also teach them basic survival skills and involve them in community events and activities.


While we can’t control the future, we can take steps to prepare ourselves and our communities for whatever may come. By practicing Event Free Survival, we can develop the skills, resources, and relationships to not just survive, but thrive in the face of uncertainty. So why wait? Start your Event Free Survival journey today!

Eventfree survival curve for CV according ACI. KaplanMeier
Eventfree survival curve for CV according ACI. KaplanMeier from www.researchgate.net